Kid's Dentistry in Stuart, FL

Comfortable Dental Care For Children

If you want your child to maintain a healthy smile, it’s crucial to begin dental care at an early age. By caring for your kid’s teeth and teaching them effective hygiene habits while they’re young, we can provide the foundation for a lifetime of optimal oral health.

Dr. Dave Burke and our experienced team know how to make younger patients feel comfortable in our office. With our relaxed approach and friendly demeanor, we’ll ensure your child forms a positive perception of the dentist that will last a lifetime.

A One-Stop-Shop For Your Whole Family

At Fresh Family Dental, we can meet all your family’s dental needs under one roof. This means you won’t have to juggle appointments between different locations and can enjoy more of your free time. We’re happy to treat kids aged 8 and older at our practice — this is typically when their permanent teeth start to erupt.

Once we start seeing your child, we’ll establish our Stuart, FL office as their dental home. This involves helping them acclimate to our practice environment and getting them in the habit of having their teeth cleaned every six months. By striving to make young patients comfortable, we can reduce the likelihood of them developing dental anxiety.

Laughing (Relaxation) Gas, Nitrous Oxide

Though we’ll take every step to ensure your kid’s comfort, we understand that some younger patients may suffer from a severe phobia of the dentist. In fact, this is often one of the main obstacles involved in childrens’ dentistry. That’s why we offer nitrous oxide sedation to help them relax in the dental chair and get the treatment they need.

Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is administered through a small nasal mask and takes effect within seconds. It provides a sensation of relaxation and euphoria while still allowing your child to remain conscious and responsive. The sedation effects can be reversed almost immediately after the treatment is finished.

If your child suffers from dental anxiety, don’t hesitate to ask Dr. Burke about laughing gas. This may also be a good option for children who are fidgety or have trouble sitting still.

How Can I Get My Kids to Brush Their Teeth?

One of the most essential components of kids’ dentistry is education. By teaching your child the importance of oral hygiene and how to properly care for their teeth, we can set them up for a lifetime of healthy smiles. If you’re having difficulty motivating your kid to brush their teeth and floss at home, we recommend the tell-show-do method.


Start by explaining the value of oral hygiene to your kid so they understand why it’s important. Make sure to use language that makes sense to them and give them the opportunity to ask questions.


Most kids look up to their parents and imitate them, often without knowing it. Brushing and flossing alongside your child is an excellent way to set an example and show them how it’s done. You can even try making a game out of it to add an element of fun to the routine.


Most kids need help with brushing and flossing until they’re about five years old. It’s crucial to establish good habits early on, so do your best to stick to a consistent routine as you help them. For added motivation, try rewarding your child with stickers or a toy when they do a good job following instructions.

How Can I Prepare For My Child’s Dental Visit?

To help your child’s appointment go as smoothly as possible, we recommend the following tips:

  • Choose a time of day they’re likely to be relaxed
  • Use positive language whenever referring to the dentist
  • Bring a favorite toy or something similar to comfort them
  • Use positive reinforcement, such as giving your kid a reward if they behave well during the appointment